Full program description
Welcome to the Berkhamsted Sixth Form Mini-MBA
As part of your Sixth Form experience all of you will have the opportunity to explore the Personal Impact and Presence course of the Mini-MBA. Some of you may also elect the Mini-MBA as part of your Sixth Form, and will therefore go on to explore the remaining modules contained within this site. This course is designed as a blended programme which means that there will be some online or self-directed components and some classroom or face-to-face components. It is our intent to deliver most of the key taught elements in the online environment to allow us to maximise the face-to-face time to apply and explore content. This course may therefore be a very useful introduction to the blended learning approach which require a greater level of self-directed learning as you progress towards your Higher Education. The Personal Impact and Presence course is slightly different to the rest of the Mini-MBA modules, and will require you to use the next term to work through five modules on your own, as part of the self-directed learning element of this course.